This is why i suck cock. Because i know it makes the man imnwith feel so good when he finamly releases all that built up tension. My reward for doing my job is a nice mouthful of cum. I cant begin to tell you how glad i am that i ended up being a cocksucker.
gay porn is much more beautiful than straight porn, My favorite part of a gay hook up is at the beginning with what I call the reveal when I take the guys pants down and see his beautiful cock for the first time, then i take his cock in m mouth to give us both pleasure, I derive insane gay pleasure from sucking a guys cock to make him cum in my mouth Reply
My first cock was a marrued man who wasnt getting any from his wife. After the first couple of times of blowing him, it really dawned on me just how much pleasure i was giving him. When he would moan or hold my head, it would make me want him even more. Hard to describe. He was obviously not straight, but definitely an alpha guy. Sometimes i could i could tell how horned up he was from our messages and i couldnt wait to get him in my mouth so i could make him feel good. Some of the best times were when hed message me and say he is backed up and asked if id please be waiting for him on my knees as he entered my house. Hed come over and id be on my knees ready for him 10 feet from the door. Hed have his cock out almost immediately as he entered and in my mouth. These were the times where he was most aggressive and usually came in a minute or so. I loved doing it like this because he was standing and allwed me to reach and grab his ass while he fucked my mouth. Fuck im horned up just writing this lol.
It is a beautiful thing knowing your about to put a really beautiful hard Cock in your mouth and absolutely love taking a nice big load in my mouth! Makes my Cock so hard just to think about it